3D Heart

3D, Anatomy, Crafty



About 2 years ago I needed to make a 3D model of the human heart for my research project.
3D anatomical heart

Then about a month ago I decided to try and 3D print it. The models are SUPER small ( 0.454w x 0.83d x 0.507(in) ). The following two objects are test prints of the model in strong flexible white plastic (left) and metallic plastic (right).



3D printed heartsThe models were printed via Shapeways, and the plan was to make necklaces for Valentines Day, but I think I will make miniature wall plaques instead. I will redo the model to create a point to hang the hearts from for the necklaces, and make sure the walls are thicker. I don’t want to mess these precious little hearts up!

Feel free to visit the model’s site here: http://shpws.me/A9oF .  While I don’t think others can print the model, because some of the walls are thin, everything seemed to turn out great! Some of the details (vessels)  printed a little messy since they are thinner than spec. But I like it, it gives the heart a more organic feel. ❤

Blood Components Application

3D, Creative Coding

Ready for an update?!

The big challenge lately, for me, has been trying to get these red blood cells to move the way I want in the omegaDesk interactive. I am attempting to make them flow as they would through the bloodstream. Most animations, that do not directly include the heart, tend to show a stream of blood. However, I want my interactive to allude to a pulsing blood stream. First I coded the red blood cells to uniformly and randomly populate across the screen. Then I was able to make them move from left to right, while rotating along individual axis. But now I rejoice as they move across the screen in a more pulse like fashion!

Click to view video

I tested what I was building, using a Processing sketch. There are still some qualities I would like to edit, but I need to keep brushing up on my trig (for all the kids that complain in math class — you need to know the math, to make cool stuff like this happen 😉 ).  Here are three screen shots from my processing sketch, showing some movement over time:

New Beginnings & Technologies

Planning Ahead

In the beginning of every semester I always feel excitement for the things to come. It is only two weeks into the semester and most of my classes have already covered much material.  I am taking Illustration Techniques, Computer Viusalization ( to learn how to deal with more 3-dimensional media), Haptics and Augmented Reality (to learn C++ and simulation of touch technologies), as well as Business and a Research class. I am also working on campus with the Office of Marketing and Communications. I have left myself with time to be bored.

Illustration Technique assignments are due just around the corning. After this weekend I will be able to show some sketches. Our first assignment is to teach the class how to articulate with line using pen & ink, as well as digital media.

In Computer Visualization, we are being taught in Autodesk’s 3d Studio Max. I have some Maya experience, so it has been a task just to change hot keys muscle memories. Within the past two weeks the class has already modeled a syringe and red blood cells. While I have done some 3d modeling, I am eager to learn more. My texture and lighting books recently arrived, so hopefully over the weekend I can makes some time with them as well.  I also want to learn about textures, but I am a little fearful of unwrapping UV maps (Oh the memories of frustration).

Business class will be good in that it will hopefully provide me insight for how to properly handle the necessities that no artists enjoys, dealing with clients. Through recommendations ( toggl.com ) and on my own accord (rememberthemilk.com) the beginning of this year seems to be forcing me to document my work. These are programs which help prioritize and time manage my tasks. While the process seems a little neurotic, I am starting to see a benefit.

And while I may not be able to fit in time over the course of this semester, something I want to learn more about is developing tablet applications.

Personally, I am an android :, so enjoy: